Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Weekly Blog #1.

Chune of the Week:

Batty Rider--Buju Banton

Week -1. (Negative one because I haven't left America yet.)

A week from today I will be en-route to embark on my 4 month vacation *ehem* scholastic retreat in Ghana. As the days swiftly come and go and that date comes nearer, the crippling reality of leaving my family and friends for such an extended period of time is setting in. To say I'll miss my family and friends is an understatement. I'm sure I'm going to cry a few bajillion times. My family (close friend included) is by far the most important thing in my life. I gotta keep it together.

But even still, as the days approach, I realize more and more that this experience and this get away will be one best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I've been battling a world of emotions for a while now. I go through bouts of highs and lows. I try very hard not to plague my friends with these feelings though they are ongoing. Haven't let up. As much as I try to convince myself that they have subsided, they have not.

A new fresh and inviting environment is exactly what I need. I don't know if I could successfully get through another semester in DC right now.

Long story short, I'm scared, but excited! I know this is best.

On a different note...preparing for this trip has been stressful and EXPENSIVE. Good grief. Vaccinations and anti-malarial medication has cost me about $300.00 total. Crazy.

I owe a lot of thanks to my family (mom, dad, brother, Auntie Glo-rida (Gloria), Fairy Godmother Millie, etc) for assisting my financially. I have been working a lot as well, fighting through my fatigue. My life is constantly go, go, go and yet when I have nothing to do I feel anxious. Everyone says that when you go abroad (to anywhere outside the US) you will be amazed at how much slower the pace of life is. I need that.

Once my money is in order (I want to earn and collect as much as I humanly can), I'm going to treat myself. No, I dont plan on going crazy and spending all my hard earned dollars through frivolous spending. I want to get quite a few pieces made in Ghana and do shopping for an assortment of textiles (beads, fabrics, jewels, butters, soaps etc). Trynna make sure my money is right so I can live the way I want to live. Uzzimee?

Of course I have still been shopping for clothing in America though...naturally. I don't believe in malls so I've been doing my shopping online and at thrift stores. Old Navy is on the come up. I'll leave it at that.

After doing some reading about what people wear in Ghana, I've decided to leave most of my pum-pum shorts aka batty riders at home along with my crop tops. Idk how true this is, but a lot of the travel sites say that Ghanaians don't appreciate shorts that are too short and don't particularly care for midriff bearing blouses. Poop. Oh well. I have an arsenal of maxi dresses, skirts, jeggings, leggings, and fancy blouses. My plan is to get fully dressed and beat my face most days out of the week. I'm in the pursuit of a Premier League-er. LOL. I'll still sneak and pack one or two shorts and crop tops though...

I began packing yesterday, and am already tired/overwhelmed. I hate packing but I'm well on my way. My first bag will be filled with...stuff. Between Mommy and My Fairy Grandmother (Millie), I am STOCKED with any type of anything you can imagine. Literally. We went to REI (and they went to Costco) and bought almost everything. I am forever grateful. I even purchased my first back pack...I think ever. Its a blue NorthFace. I like it. That, along with bug spray and other mosquito repellants, towels, shirts, chap-stick, and a ton of other miscellaneous things (every drug/ointment imaginable) have begun to fill my first bag. This bag will also consist of my shoes, makeup (my face will be BEAT), and other random toiletries.

My second bag will be filled with clothes, exclusively. As much as they advise that I pack light, I will pack every piece of clothes I want to bring. Period. They are mine. I want to bring them. Done deal.

I digress.

I still haven't completely figured out what I'm going to do with my hair. I HIGHLY doubt I will be wearing it in loose styles. I'll probably put in some minitwists this weekend. That will hold me for about 3 weeks. Hopefully 4. Then I plan of getting my hair braided up in Ghana. Yea...my hair has become the least of my concern as time goes on. My have times have changed...

My regimen is/and will remain very simple. Wash whenever I feel necessary. Condition. Deep Condition if I feel fancy. I dont co-wash anymore. I only wet my hair on wash days. I wear my hair stretched or in protective styles 99% of the time. If you leave it alone it will grow and be healthy. I leave my head alone. And its growing. I plan on taking advantage of Black Soap and shea butter while I'm there. Idk why I would need much more than that. Ok...I'll bring a leave in conditioner too.

I would like to clarify the proceeding statement a bit though. Leaving your head alone does NOT mean being negligent. I keep my hair moisturized with Herbal Essences Long-Term relationship and avocado butter (most of the time). I tie my hair down with a doobie or sleep on a satin pillowcase (most of the time). My hair has been doing pretty well. We have a chill relationship.

Hmm...I think thats about it. I have unlocked my blackberry, so if you have a pin still, send it to me. BBM-ing internationally is a wonderful thing! (I'm going to miss my IPhone)

Anyway doe, I'll be sure to keep you guys posted with any further developments.

Love you all,



  1. It's a lie about the shorts and tops. I will take a few if I were yo u. Watch a couple of Ghanian/Nigerian movies and you will see what I mean. They dress sometimes worse than a ratched Baltimore club hopper. It is hot as heck in Ghana so you may wanna take some clothes that will definitely keep your less hot.

    Love always,


    As for your hair, girl it is so cheap to braid you hair you can afford to braid it every other day if you so desire.

    Have the time of your life my love and assimilate and drink in the culture as much as you can. Also, they have a lot of foreigners over there so you should be in good company. As you may or may not know, I went there (Ghana) for the first time in 2007 and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. Do you know exactly what city/area you are going to be in? I am also jealous to the point where I want to stow myself in your suitcase. Much love hon!

  2. Aww. thanks kemi!! Your words truly helped. Im going to the University of Ghana-Legon. I guess like 20 miles or less away from Accra. I wish EVERYONE could come with me!!

    Love you,

